Reports, news and chronicles related to Galaxy Fleet Command's Tactical Operations Group, a Second Life group dedicated to military operations based on Star Trek Universe themes. Founders: Admiral Cobramax Mechanique and Fleet Admiral Katrina Bixby.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Buccaneer's Island

Last week we had a simple yet fun event.

We had dustin, BunE, Blue Agate and me, and it was good to show that you don't need many people to have a good tactical exercise.

We split in two groups, one had to defend an island which was their base with whatever weapons or tactics they had. The other group was to deploy on a nearby island and attack the defender's island. The round was over if the attackers managed to explode a plane stationed on defender's island.

We took turns between attackers and defenders and explored all possible group combinations.

We attacked with air support and without and used helicopters to deploy the attackers.

The defenders used gun turrets and even used an AAV (Assault Amphibious Vehicle) with a mounted machine gun to repel the attack.

The group that managed to defend for longer was Dustin/BunE. They even shot down our helicopter before it could land.

For this event BunE got the gold medal and dustin and Blue Agate got a silver medal.

Lt. Cmdr. Kal Aie

PS: Here's some pictures of the action.

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